
A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.

If you are currently serving (Active or Reserve), a former servicemember, a military family member, or a US Department of Defense or Coast Guard Civilian, E.T.S. Story Development Company serves you, the Veteran Community, and your story development.

In your service, you’ve probably done some hard things.  Finished boot camp. Commanded forces in combat. Finished a military school that required you to muster all that you could just to pass it.  Rescued fellow Americans during a disaster.  Trained foreign forces. Interdicted major drug shipments coming into the U.S.A. Ousted foreign dictators (no, wait, we don’t do that).

But writing a story for the Entertainment Industry is a whole ‘nother level of Embracing the Suck.

The Entertainment Industry, which includes the Film/TV industry and the literary industry, is a hard target.  The system is designed, whether intentionally or inadvertently, with barriers to entry. The first barrier, and arguably the most daunting, is the story.

There’s an axiom about story.  Introduce your main character.  Put your main character up in a tree.  Throw rocks at him.  Let him figure out how to get out.  That’s boils story down to its most basic, but developing that axiom into a full-fledged story that a producer or literary agent or publisher or director or agent finds interesting enough to either purchase, option, or sign you to a deal, takes a bit more.

E.T.S. Story Development Company will help guide you from story idea, to logline/one-liner, to outline, to synopsis, to treatment/long synopsis, to first draft.  While our primary medium is film & TV, we believe good story resonates throughout all mediums, and thus, we work with you on your podcast story, novel, or short story.  Might even throw in a graphic novel here and there.

E.T.S. Story Development Company isn’t just here to help develop your story, but we’re popping star clusters at the Entertainment Industry, and inviting Industry Professionals to see your work, and to determine if they like your story, you, or both.

But, here’s the catch.  We don’t want your stinkin’ money…not until you’ve made a sale or an option or are signed by an agent.  At that time, we ask for a mere 1% of the sales price or option price, or $125 if you are signed by an agent.  No, we’re not going to make you sign a contract.  No, we don’t have a lawyer to chase you down.  We all come from a community that prides itself on integrity, so we’ll go with that.

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